Privacy Policy: Protection of information in all our services

How we ensure the confidentiality of your data in electrical installations, optical networks, video surveillance and other specialized services

Privacy and data protection policy
This General Privacy and Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) aims to clarify what personal data you collect using,what is the purpose of their collection and what are your rights in this regard. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?ABK Systems Ltd.
UIC 202800473
J.K. Suhata Reka 2 Vitinya str
Sofia 1517

As a controller of personal data, ABK Systems Ltd. has the right to collect and process personal data provided by users of the SITE, in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27.04.2016. on the protection of personal data and the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

What is personal data?
Personal data is any information relating to a natural person who is identified or can be identified directly or indirectly through it.

Basic Principles
We value your trust and are committed to processing your Personal Data fairly, transparently and securely. The main principles we apply are the following:

• Legality: when collecting your Personal Data we act in good faith, in compliance with the law and in a transparent manner.
• Minimization of data: we limit the collection of your Personal Data only to data that is directly relevant and necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
• Purpose limitation: we collect Personal Data only for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and do not process your Personal Data in a way incompatible with these purposes.
• Accuracy: we keep your Personal Data accurate and up to date.
• Security and data protection: we apply technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security and data protection, taking into account the type of your personal data that is subject to protection. These measures prevent any unauthorized disclosure or access, accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration or any other illegal form of Processing.
• Access and correction: we process your Personal Data in accordance with your legal rights.
• Limitation of the retention period: we retain your Personal Data in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation and for a period not longer than necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is collected.
• Protection against third parties: access to and transfer of personal data to third parties is carried out in accordance with applicable law and subject to appropriate protection agreements.
• Legality of direct marketing and cookies: we act in accordance with the applicable law when we send you advertising materials or install cookies on your computer.

What personal information is collected on the SITE?
The site may collect the following information about its users to provide the most accurate and efficient services possible:
• name, surname, telephone, e-mail, organization, in the cases when you send messages, inquiries, comments, opinions, suggestions;
• name, surname, telephone, e-mail and CV when applying for a vacancy advertised on the SITE;
• IP address when viewing content or using services on the SITE;
• Cookies to identify the browser or device you are using.
What is the information collected used for?
• When sending a message, through the form specified for this purpose, we use your data to have feedback from you and to respond promptly to your questions, suggestions, etc .;
• When applying for a vacancy through the SITE, we use your data to get acquainted with your application and to contact you if interested.
When filling in each of the above forms of the SITE, related to the provision of personal data, you will find explicitly in a separate text the purpose of collecting specific personal data.

For how long is the personal data provided collected?
We retain your Personal Data in accordance with applicable personal data protection legislation for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we process it or to fulfill our legal obligations. The term of processing of the personal data we collect for you is up to 1 year.

What are your rights after you have provided your personal data on the SITE?
• You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data or to their provision to third parties by sending an email to or with a written application to ABK Systems Ltd., signed by you and submitted to the address of ABC Systems Ltd. in Sofia 1517, residential complex Suhata Reka, 2 Vitinya Str
• You have the right, at any time, to withdraw your consent for your personal data to be processed for the above purposes by sending an email to or with a written application to ABK Systems Ltd. signed by you and submitted to the address of ABK Systems Ltd. in Sofia 1517, zh.k. Suhata Reka, 2 Vitinya Str
• You have the right to access your personal data and the right to request from ABK Systems Ltd. deletion, correction or blocking of your personal data with a written request in the manner specified above.

Protection of your personal data
We apply a set of technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from illegal or unauthorized access or use, as well as against accidental loss or damage to their integrity. These measures are developed in accordance with the information technologies we use, as well as in compliance with the standards and practices applied in our industry. Maintaining data security means protecting the privacy and availability of your Personal Data:
1. Privacy: we protect your Personal Data from unwanted disclosure to third parties.
2. Integrity: we protect your Personal Data from changes by unauthorized third parties.
3. Availability: we guarantee that only authorized persons have access to your Personal Data when necessary

Our data security procedures include: backup access, backup systems, monitoring, security breach tests and business continuity, and more.
ABK Systems Ltd. has the right to change this Policy at any time. In these cases, we will notify you of such changes and ask you to familiarize yourself with the latest version of this Policy and confirm its acceptance. The Policy is available on our website, where you can read it and any subsequent changes.
Site policy

By accessing the site and using it, you accept this Site Policy without any restrictions or conditions. With your visit, the site becomes subject to this policy as well as all applicable laws.

Copyright © ABK Systems Ltd.

ABK Systems Ltd. retains ownership, copyright and intellectual property rights in and over this site. You agree to abide by all notices of authorship and other limitations contained in any information, software or other material available through this site. All trademarks, designations and names displayed on the site belong to their respective owners. Nothing on this site should be construed as granting (indirectly or otherwise) a license or right to use the trademarks, designations and names displayed on the site without the prior written consent of their owners.
ABK Systems Ltd. does not guarantee that the materials you use, available through this site, will not affect the rights of third parties who are not related to ABC Systems Ltd.

Providing information
ABK Systems Ltd. does not guarantee the security of information transmitted to or from this site. Any information that you send to ABK Systems Ltd. through the site will be considered non-confidential. For the information you send, you grant to ABK Systems Ltd. an unlimited, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, improve, transmit and distribute this information. Also agreement that ABK Systems Ltd. is free to use any ideas, concepts, techniques and techniques sent by you to ABC Systems Ltd. for any purpose.
The publication or transfer to or from this site of illegal, threatening, obscene or pornographic material or such that may lead to civil or criminal liability is prohibited by law.

Use of cookie technology
ABK Systems Ltd. uses the technology of cookies (so-called "cookies") to track the paths taken by you to the site of ABC Systems. The purpose is to support the registration of the activities of the users on the site of ABK Systems Ltd. Also its improvement and evaluation - to make it more useful for you. With this technology the information about the individual users is not registered. Accordingly, no specific information about yourself will be stored or used.
Please note that you can set your browser not to accept cookies. There is also an option to warn you about cases when such programs are sent.
Most current browsers allow you to control cookies through the saved browser settings. To learn more about cookies, including how they can be managed and deleted, visit

Copyright, industrial and intellectual property warning
Both the presentation and the entire content of this site are protected by industrial and intellectual property rights. You may use the information, text, images or graphics contained on this site for your personal use (non-commercial). However, you may not reproduce, modify, transmit, license or publish them - in whole or in part, for any purpose, without the prior written consent of Lirex, except for review only.

The site of ABK Systems Ltd. may contain hyperlinks to other Internet sites that are completely independent of this site. ABC Systems Ltd. does not claim or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in any such hypertext link or other Internet site and access to all other Internet sites related to links to the site of ABC Systems Ltd. is at your own risk.
Limitations of liability for damages
ABK Systems Ltd. does not explicitly assume any obligation to indemnify in respect of any direct, indirect, incidental, causal or special damages arising from or in any way related to access to or use of the site of ABC Systems Ltd. - including ( but not limited to) any loss or damage caused by viruses that have affected your computer equipment or your trust in the information obtained through the site of ABK Systems Ltd.

Policy update
ABK Systems Ltd. reserves the right to update this policy at any time when necessary for business reasons. Therefore, we invite you to revisit this page each time you visit the site to check the policy.

Changes to the site
ABK Systems Ltd. may update, modify, download, suspend / temporarily or permanently / the content of this site (in whole or in part) at any time without notice. By using this site, you agree to be bound by the current version of these Terms of Use.

Recommendations received
When you send recommendations to the Lirex site, you accept that ABK Systems Ltd. reserves the right at its own discretion to change, "upload" free of charge or not "upload" on this site of ABC Systems Ltd. received recommendations. ABK Systems Ltd. does not assume any responsibility regarding the content of the messages published on this site.

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